Saturday, 11 November 2017


Okay, have you all forgiven me for my 28 days of posting experiment? I had mercy! I ended early!

If you haven't given up on me I would like to invite you to check out my brand new home on the web.


I've been really focussing on getting more of my writing published and honing my writing. I am exceedingly grateful for the encouragement, feedback, and support all of you friends have given me.
Please do me the kindness of subscribing to emails at my new website. There's a sign up form at the VERY bottom of every page and also on the right hand side on the blog pages.

Hey, tomorrow morning if you go here my latest article will be up.   If you subscribe to you can save yourself the trouble, and I'll send it to you myself.

Seriously, guys, thanks. You're the best.

Oh, and this song suddenly popped into my head today. Picture my four kids, (unfortunate) puppy, and myself singing and dancing around the kitchen in the most epic display you've never seen... if you don't already know this song: you're welcome. Gents, sing it to your ladies, I promise they'll swoon!
